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The Journey of Water Jai (Water 仔之旅)

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Utvecklare: Innovative Net Learning Limited

The Journey of Water Jai

HSBC Water Race 2014 is a pioneer project which strives to promote the concept of water footprint to the public, arouse their awareness of water crisis and encourage them to take action to conserve and save water through means of city orienteering.
This year, we have developed a simple and fun educational iPhone game called “The Journey of Water Jai”. User will receive a water saving tip after finishing each level. Look out for garbage and devil water drops to help Water Jai save as much water as possible! Cherish Water from the Heart!

Whats New
• Simple and fun educational game for all ages
• Catch as much water as you can to save our Planet
• Look out for water saving tips provided after each level!
• Be careful not to hit any garbage or devil water drops to avoid wastage of water
•General Information about HSBC Water Race 2014

Copyright © 2014 Wofoo Social Enterprises. All rights reserved.

Water 仔之旅

「滙豐水足印定向 2014」是一個透過城市定向比賽體驗,讓參加者認識水足印的概念,倡導並培養市民關注水資源保育及節約用水,期望大家以行動應對世界水資源問題。 「Water 仔之旅」是一個讓用家認識慳水的小遊戲。遊戲中,你要在三十秒內幫助Water仔收集小水滴。 每過一關,Water 仔會給你一個慳水小貼士。 遊戲過程中要小心因從天跌下來的廢物令Water 仔浪費所有收集得來的水呀! 請緊記!由心出發,珍惜水資源 。

Whats New
• 一個適任何年齡人及富教育意義的小遊戲
• 遊戲中,用手指控制Water仔去收集小水滴
• Water 仔會於每一關通過後給你一個慳水小貼士。
• 提供有關「滙豐水足印定向 2014」的基本資料及當日活動安排

版權所有 © 2014 和富社會企業